#DanceMeriJan Rules
For the entire month of January,
1. Come up with a minimum of 10 seconds of choreography.
2. Share it (Either via social media or messaging apps or email)
3. Hashtag is #DanceMeriJan or #DanceMeriJan2019
4. Repeat
Explanation please?
We drew our inspiration from Inktober :) In the same spirit, the goal of this exercise is to create dance in the month of January, You may do it daily or every other day or on weeknights or on weekends or once a week. The point is to take up a choreography challenge and deliver it with consistency and come up with dance that you love. Feel free to experiment with any kind of music or dance style. Make it your own and share your passion for dance with the world.
Note: If you create 10 seconds of choreography every day, by the end of the month you would have created more than 5 minutes of work!
What does DanceMeriJan mean?
In Hindi, the word "Jaan" means life and is used as a popular word of endearment and the word "Meri" means "mine". So "DanceMeriJaan" loosely translates to "Dance My Dear". And since it's January, we thought we'd be clever by making it "DanceMeriJan".
1. Come up with a minimum of 10 seconds of choreography.
2. Share it (Either via social media or messaging apps or email)
3. Hashtag is #DanceMeriJan or #DanceMeriJan2019
4. Repeat
Explanation please?
We drew our inspiration from Inktober :) In the same spirit, the goal of this exercise is to create dance in the month of January, You may do it daily or every other day or on weeknights or on weekends or once a week. The point is to take up a choreography challenge and deliver it with consistency and come up with dance that you love. Feel free to experiment with any kind of music or dance style. Make it your own and share your passion for dance with the world.
Note: If you create 10 seconds of choreography every day, by the end of the month you would have created more than 5 minutes of work!
What does DanceMeriJan mean?
In Hindi, the word "Jaan" means life and is used as a popular word of endearment and the word "Meri" means "mine". So "DanceMeriJaan" loosely translates to "Dance My Dear". And since it's January, we thought we'd be clever by making it "DanceMeriJan".